MYTH: Vegetarian Diets are Protein Deficient


ALWAYS OBSERVE NATURE... Take a fruit / vegetable and observe: Measure
the amount of pulp against the seeds...
Seed contains fat and proteins and pulp is mainly complex
After years of practice through observation and clinical trials I came upto a strong belief that the maintaining cause was none other than LIFESTYLE & FOOD. Today I am practicing Alkaline : Acidic Diet for my patients, which have given me 100% results with those patients who follow it as per my instructions. I totally believe in “Observe Nature. Nature guides and tells us the correct proportion of Nutrients to be consumed”.
ReplyDeleteThere is recommendation in dietetics that human body needs more of biological protien at the same time when u say vegetarian diet is insufficient in protein is myth..So there is quite confusion what u claim hence plz guide me in this front
More Protein means more Urea, Uric Acid, Creatinine in the body as waste matter. Hence, there has to be a balance of Cleaning Foods, Energy Giving Foods and Tissue Repairing Foods that too in Natural Form.. Along with appropriate activity for foods eaten to be utilized
DeleteIt's just like, waste produced at home / office is more than hands at cleaning. Hence Home or Office will always be dirty and will give rise to pests. Incase of our body it's ddiseases
Hope your query is resolved